Petition for the Sobhy Family
Dear beloved congregation, as some of you may be aware one of our beloved families; Fady & Tevwan have had their daughter’s visa denied as she did not meet the medical health criteria. As a result of this denial, the whole family will not be able to stay permanently and their visa will be rejected after many attempts with the Australian Government. As a last attempt and a sign of support we have opened the below petition to collect signatures.
Attn: The Hon Andrew Giles MP - Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs
We the below signing community members at the Parish of St Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Church - Melbourne, hereby affirm our absolute and relentless support of the Sobhy family in their quest to stay permanently in Australia.
We are a thriving parish, that finds joy in the integrity and quality of every member. The Sobhy family are an integral and irreplaceable part of our church family. Their hard work, personal achievements, dedication and community involvement is impeccable, and we are proud to call them our own. We fully support, and on their behalf their petition to you as Minister of Immigration to consider their request to stay permanently in Australia.