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One God, One Future, One Family.

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Project Overview

“For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ” - Romans 12:4-5

Purchased by our Parish in 2004 for future growth, the time has now come to purse expanding our facilities inline with the growing congregation and services. Our Future Project will take its course steadily and in unity. The first stage of this project is the demolition of the Factory building. Allowing for the immediate need of additional parking and recreational space. 

Stage 1

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Project Updates

How to Support

Your Prayers

“Prayer can do all things, for it moves the Hand that manages the whole universe.” - Pope Kyrillos VI

More than anything your fervent prayers are the most valuable form of support you can provide towards this project. Prayer is a beautiful and mysterious gift God has given us that truly does wonders. 

Your Donations

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In Person

We accept in person donations in the form of cash, card and cheque.



We accept online donations through Bank Transfer & Direct Deposit.

Payment Description

Please add "Project" as the payment description

General Account (Non TD)

BSB: 083-004

Acc No: 50 073 5628

Building Fund Account (TD)


BSB: 083-817

Acc No: 73 915 0154

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